"...and the sheep follow him for they know his voice." John 10:4
There are voices we know within the first syllable out of their mouths. We know them because we hear them...we listen to them...we spend time with them. Maybe it's a parent or a friend, spouse or child, boss or co-worker. No matter who it is, the reason we know them is because we have spent time hearing them. According to Psalm 23 "The Lord is my shepherd..." Have you spent enough time with the Shepherd ~ through His Word (the Bible), through prayer (talking AND listening) ~ to know His voice amidst the thousands of voices calling out to you in your lifetime? Would you know the difference between the voice of the One True God vs. the voice of a god pulling you away? The only way we can know His voice is to get to know Him.
It's a great time of year to start a Bible read through. There are many available online ~ from the entire Bible in one year Genesis through Revelation to a chronological read through of the Bible in one year to a whole host of others. Here's a link to the Bible in One Year website: href="http://www.oneyearbibleonline.com/readingplan.asp" No matter which one you choose, choose one and stick with it...even if you miss a day don't give up, just keep reading from where you left off and see it through to completion. The goal isn't just to read it in a year ~ the real goal is to get to the know the voice of the Savior through His Word. Praying for each of you who read this...that a fire of desire for the Word of God will be lit and fanned into flame in your hearts. God bless you in this New Year!
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