Thursday, December 25, 2008

Isaiah 26:3

3You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You. Isaiah 26:3

As we bring the celebration of Christmas to an end and look ahead to the New Year this seems a perfect and fitting passage to focus on. In the anticipation of Christmas it's "easy" to remember the "reason for the season" and have our thoughts drift back to the birth of Jesus often. However, as the days get farther and farther away from that it gets harder and harder to keep that focus. We often find, then, that anxiety, stress and worry or fear creeps into our spirit without notice. However, this verse promises us something incredibly significant: perfect and constant peace.

Ah, peace. It's a toss-away word if ever there was one. It's that phrase so many shout at rallies and conferences looking to find some magical way of saving the world that hasn't worked yet. It's the beautiful script with a dove on cards that fill mailboxes at Christmas-time. It's elusive to many. I've heard people say that it is just out of reach and if only they'd get this or that taken care of it would be longer lasting. Forgive my paraphrase of the old country and western song, but they're looking for peace in all the wrong places.

Peace can be found in one place and one place only: in the arms of The Savior. If you haven't found the One True Savior, keep reading this blog and get to know Him...if you want to know more leave a message and I'll respond...if you can't wait for a response go here: . If you're looking for peace you'll only find it as you fix your mind on The Very One who loves you so much He sent His only Son to earth so we could have an advocate...a who will fight for us when it seems like no one else will. Lean on Him...put your hope for a better future in Him...fix your mind on Him.