Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What PART are you fulfilling?

2 Chronicles 7 ~ the dedication of the Temple

"...3 elements we can include in services, and even in songs: re-enactment, realization, and anticipation. They are the like the beginning, middle and end of a story. So we recall something God did in the history of His people – then we enter the realization stage – in other words, what that means to our lives, here and now today. And then we end in anticipation – knowing there is more still to come in this epic love story of God we exist in..."

This is from Matt Redman's devotional series, "Sing Like Never Before." Based on 2 Chronicles 7 and his song, "Lord Let Your Glory Fall."

These three elements are really what my "prayer pattern" is based on...

Knowing God has and is doing His PART, we, too, have a part to fulfill in our relationship with Him. In praying we can remember to do our...

P: Praise Him for what He is doing and Who He is.

A: Ask forgiveness for our foolish human natures that gravitate toward sin and destruction.

R: Requests ~ bring our requests before the throne of grace with confidence in Whose hands we are putting them.

T: Thank Him for His goodness and mercy and what He is doing in our lives.