Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Matthew 15: 8-9

"These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men."
Matthew 15: 8-9

Jesus was speaking of the Pharisees when He said this, but I believe He could be speaking of so many people today who call themselves Christians. We need to read this and ask God, "Could you say this of me?" We need to immerse ourselves in God's Word, The Bible, and bring our hearts "home" to Him. Reading books by Bible teachers and Christian leaders is great, but our real teaching comes from God Himself. I know I have my favorite authors who open up the meaning of God's Word, and I will readily suggest some books to friends who ask questions about different subjects. However, we need to make sure we're learning (and loving) more of God that we are of the author ~ or even of ourselves. I learned long ago about those trained to reveal counterfeit money, and it has stayed with me as a catalyst for my own ability to know false teaching when it comes my way. A counterfeit specialist doesn't study counterfeit money...they study THE REAL THING. How are you doing? Could you listen to a popular TV host and have your stomach turn at the lies being believed by so many? Or would you believe the lie "because there's some truth there?" If you want to know the truth, then get to know the truth...SEEK GOD ~ may your rules be HIS rules.

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