Thursday, April 10, 2008

Habakkuk 3:18

"...yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior."

The book of Habakkuk, just three chapters found at the end of the Old Testament in the section of books called "The Minor Prophets", is such a picture of life. We, as Habakkuk did, ask God when He's going to do all He says...He says He's going to do it all the wrong ways (as to the way WE think) we sit back and wait to see how it's going to work because none of it makes sense. As we wait, we watch, and in the watching stand amazed at our great God.

In the end we realize that...

Though the future is unknown & sometimes scary,
Though our homes may not be peace & joy filled,
Though jobs and even friends may be beyond reach,
We will be faithful and trusting that the L-RD, our God, will be with us always.

He will care for us, and, if we acknowledge our sin and let go of the shame and guilt we sometimes wear like war medals, He will help us become the Child of God He intends for us to be...and we will rejoice!