Wednesday, October 29, 2008


"I always thank God when I pray for you, Philemon, because I keep hearing of your trust in the Lord Jesus and your love for all of God's people."
Philemon, verse 4.

It is not unusual to read a passage like this and have people come to mind who have had that kind of impact on our own lives. Hopefully there are many who have invested in you and your walk with Christ of whom you can say, "I always thank God when I pray for you...". However, how many can say that of you? Have you taken the time to show kindness to someone in the store/at work/on the road who may not be having a very good day? Have you spent time listening to a child babble on and on about seemingly nothing just so they know they matter to you? Have you taken the time to pray over and with your spouse or significant other that God will work in such a way as to make the most of what God has made them to be? Who in your life would say to you, "I always thank God for you!" If you can't think of anyone right now take the time to ask God to help you invest in the lives of others...nothing else can be taken with us when we die.

One other thing...Paul took the time to encourage Philemon in his's not wrong to want to be encouraged as well as to encourage. If you're needing some encouragement today ask God to bring it (and to open your eyes to see it when it comes)...He will not let you down.

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